Tuesday, November 16, 2010

JCPenny Sale Today - $10 off when you spend $25/more

JCPenney (both in store, and online) is having a sale today.  They have a coupon for $10 off when you spend $25 or more.
To get this coupon
on your phone:
to 527365.
They also have free shipping & returns to the store, so you can order online in the convenience of your home, ship something to the store, and if you don't like it you can return it and you're not out anything!  AND/or they have free shipping to your home if you spend $49 or more - just enter couponcode TAPFOR49 (good thru Dec 3) at jcp.com.


  1. Thanks Kristi! I went and got uniform shirts on the clearance rack for $.97 each and I bought 26 shirts for $15.74!!!! I got some for the girls for next year and I plan to donate some to our school for the children who need them! My total savings was $504!!!!!

  2. AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing Trish!
