Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sippy Cup Lids - MOLD & Replacement Lids

So in case there was any doubt before, this next post will defintely solidy in your minds that I AM a MOM, as I spend my days dwelling on the frustrations of getting mold in my sons' favorite sippy cup lids.  If you are a mom, you know how frustrating it is when your kids have a favorite sippy cup - one that you like too because it doesn't leak - only to get MOLD in the spouts and not be able to get it out!  I've had to get rid of my share of sippy cups & lids due to mold, and I decided I was finally sick of it, so I grabbed the mold filled cup lids and headed to, where else?  GOOGLE!  I googled the lids, found the manufacturers websites, and boldly asked for replacement lids.  Do you know what?  They sent them - free of charge!

I contacted 3 different companies - Learning Curve, The First Years, and Playtex.  The first two companies (via email correspondence through their website) each sent me several replacement lids based on my claim.  Playtex's website wouldn't let me "submit" my claim (something seemed to be wrong with their website), so I called the 1-800#  (Toll Free: 1.888.310.4290), spoke with the nicest lady in the world, and within less than 5 minutes of my time I have two $7.99 coupons for Playtex products being mailed to my home.  Success!  So, I just want to encourage all you frustrated moms to NOT throw our your kids' favorite cups, but spend a few minutes on the internet (see links to sites by above), submit your complaints, and see what happens!  It was worth my time & money to save my kids' TOY Story cups... maybe it is worth yours?


  1. Oh my gosh!! Thank you! So good to know! I have some sitting in my cabinet right now that are moldy and was feeling frustrated because I'm ready to use them with baby #3! I will be contacting Playtex tomorrow! :-)

  2. Thank you so much. I have sent email asking for replacement lids.

  3. Thanks for the infor. This grandma is frustrated too.

  4. Thank you for figuring that out! It's been bugging me forever

  5. Thank you for figuring that out! It's been bugging me forever

  6. Thanks! Definitely going to do this. So tired of throwing out the lids because of the mold when the cup is perfectly fine. I have a cabinet full of cups with out lids.
