This event is FREE and open to the public. It is from 7:00pm - 8:00pm at IWU in the Student Center in the Globe Theatre.
For more info, see below. To register, contact
SARA BRADY at 765.677.2437 or
The School of Teacher Education
and the John Wesley Honors College at Indiana Wesleyan University are
jointly sponsoring a symposium this coming November featuring author
Nicole Baker Fulgham, author of the book,
Educating All God’s Children: What Christians Can—and Should—Do to ImprovPublic Education for Low-Income Kids.
Jim Wallace, president and CEO of Sojourners, calls Fulgham’s book
“A compelling call to a new generation of Christians to fight poverty
and injustice through committing themselves to education.” Jerry Pattengale, IWU assistant provost, wrote that “Educating
all God’s Children convincingly
shows scriptural mandates for closing the educational gap between
low-income areas and wealthier communities. Apart from Christ and education, most disenfranchised students will never know the abundant life God created
them for.”
The Author
Nicole Baker Fulgham is president and founder of
The Expectations Project, a national organization that mobilizes people
of faith to support public education reform and
close the academic achievement gap. She is the former vice president
of faith community relations at Teach for America, has appeared on CNN
and ABC News, and was named to the list of “50 women to watch: Those
Most Shaping the Church and Culture” by
Christianity Today.
The symposium is open to IWU students and faculty,
and Marion Community Schools teachers and administrators who are
concerned about the gap between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’ in
American society, and, as Christians, feel a responsibility
to do something about it. Symposium activities include a series of
chapter discussions leading up to a banquet, followed by an author
interview. There will be time available for symposium participants to
interact with the author in a question-and-answer
∙ The symposium banquet is on Tuesday, November 5 in the Barnes Student Center Henry West Banquet Room, beginning at 5:30 p.m. The author interview begins at 7:00 in the Globe Theater, followed
by the Q&A session at 7:30.
Who to Contact; Deadline
Please RSVP your interest in the book discussion series, the banquet, or both to Sara Brady in the Teacher
Education Office by email at, or by phone at x2437.