Thursday, September 19, 2013

Free Drink at Starbucks for Registering a Gift Card

New Accounts Only, Limit One Per Person.  Register your card at

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Free Queso Day at Moe's - Thursday, Sept 19th

New App!
Need I say more?   :)

As an aside, remember, Wednesdays at Sundays are always kids eat FREE at Moe's (only one kids meal per adult meal purchased).  As the season of soccer & craziness of this fall is in full gear, we seem to be eating out more, and looking for places with kids-eat-free, so we've already hit Moe's once this fall.  :)  Sometimes during the midst of a busy week we're just in survival mode, so I'm thankful for Wednesdays FREE kids meals!  :)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Give Blood in September & get a $10 AMC Movie Gift Card!

GIVE BLOOD!  I can't say this enough!  You truly can save a life by your donation of blood.  Never done it before?  It is not a big deal - the folks who work at the blood center are great, you get a snack afterward, you save a life, and you're on your way!  I take my kids with me when I go, and they enjoy a snack while I'm giving blood, and the nice folks at the blood center even put on cartoons for them.  My kids love the blood center... they know it as the place they get fruit snacks & a can of juice for free! :)  There you go moms... no excuse, you can event take your kids with you!  Teach them a valuable lesson while setting a powerful example about how we can help others - it will stick with them for life! 

In September if you donate blood you will receive a $10 AMC Movie Gift Card! 

To book an appointment go to: or call 765.662.4630 in Marion.
Featured promotion

Sunday, September 15, 2013

$2,500 Giveaway from IN CollegeChoice529

Do you have a college savings account (529 Plan) for your kiddo?  Have you been thinking about it, but dragging your feet?  If you haven't already, you should check out  We have a Indiana 529 CollegeChoice savings account for each of our kids, and we contribute a modest amount each month (directly deposited from my paycheck so I can't accidentally spend it!).  This account, while modest, will grow with compound interest over the next decade (+) to when my kids are ready for college.  It can be used for tuition, fees, books, housing - anything for college, trade school, or even graduate school.  AND, in addition to feeling good about saving some each month, we get a tax credit at the end of each year for 20% of what we contributed.  It is a WIN WIN!  Where else are you going to make 20% on the money you're saving?

September is College Savings month, and  to celebrate the state is giving away $2,500 toward a CollegeChoice 529 Savings Plan.  To enter, go to

From the website:

CollegeChoice 529 is designed to give you an affordable, flexible, and smart way to save for college. See how you can benefit from all that CollegeChoice 529 has to offer.
Read on to find out why CollegeChoice 529 is: 

  • Affordable: Low minimums, high maximums, and low average costs  
  • Flexible: Range of investment options and online account access  
  • Tax-smart: Tax-deferred growth, federal tax-free qualified withdrawals,* special tax credit for Indiana residents,** gift-tax and estate planning benefits 
* Earnings on non-qualified withdrawals are subject to federal income tax and may be subject to a 10% federal penalty tax, as well as state and local income taxes. The availability of tax or other benefits may be contingent on meeting other requirements.
** Indiana taxpayers are eligible for a state income tax credit of 20% of contributions to their CollegeChoice 529 account, up to $1,000 credit per year. This credit may be subject to recapture from the account owner (not the contributor) in certain circumstances, such as rollover to another state's 529 plan or non-qualified withdrawal.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Community Marketplace - Sept 19th at YMCA from 3-7pm

The Chamber of Commerce in Grant County is hosting a one-day Community Marketplace event on September 19th at the YMCA in Marion from 3-7pm. 

This is a FREE event for families, and will include

  • food samples from local restaurants
  • face painting for kids
  • children's fun zone jump house
  • giveaways from local businesses
  • preview of grant county businesses
Don't miss this fun, free event, that will give you a chance to learn more about Grant County businesses, and give your kiddos a fun afternoon in the process!  :)  See you there!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Lowes Build & Grown Clinic - September 14th at 10am

The next Lowe's Build & Grow FREE kids clinic is on Saturday, Sept 14th at 10am.  These are fun FREE events for kids & their parent(s), so if you haven't done one yet, you should try it!  With assistance, kiddos as young at 3 and as old as 12 can participate.  

For more info, go to:

 Classic Fire Truck

Saturday, September 14 (10:00 AM)
Your kids will love this month’s project! Bring them into Lowe’s this Saturday and they can build this awesome Fire Truck!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Series of Open Houses at K-Bistro you tried K-Bistro in Marion yet?  My husband and I like this place - a grown-up place we like to go sans-kids for a date.  I like the eclectic menu, and I like that it is local!

K-Bistro (2201 S. Western) is hosting a series of open-houses from 5-7pm on Sept 9, 16, 23, and 30th, each which will include a free tasting session.  Three sample food items will be presented each day.  The event is free, and is a great way to explore some local flavor!  On Sept 30th, K-Bistro will celebrate it's one-year anniversary with a live band and food on the patio, with drawings for prizes & fun for all!  (You can take your kids, I just usually like it as my break from my kiddos!)

Check it out - you'll be glad you did!  For more info, call K-Bistro at 603-3336 or