Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A different way of focusing on the season of Lent - Splurgeit.org

Last Wednesday was Ash Wednesday - the first day of the Lent Season.  The season of Lent is a time to reflect on Christ's sacrifice at Easter, by preparing for the death of Christ.  "Lent is a special time of prayer, penance, sacrifice and good works in preparation of the celebration of Easter." (Catholic Education - History of Lent Website)

Growing up I never really paid attention to Lent - I always thought of it as "something that my Catholic friends did", as I'd hear of them giving up desserts or soda pop for the season.  Then, before I knew it would be Good Friday and Easter, and I remember wishing I'd spent more time to think about the significance of Easter before it was all over. 

As an adult, I'm learning more about what it means to be purposeful spending time reflecting on Christ's sacrifice in the 40  days BEFORE Easter.  It really makes the Easter season much more meaningful as you spend time 40 days leading up, rather than thinking about it for the first time on Good Friday and the days after. 

As my husband and I were discussing what we should "give up" for Lent, as a small token of reminding us of the sacrifice Christ made for us, I came across an idea a local church in my area has for a different way of celebrating Lent - SPLURGEIT.ORG

Splurgeit.org recommends a different way to celebrate Lent - by splurging on the resources we do have so that others may have more.  Intrigued?  I was.  I suggest checking out their website.  Click on their HOME page, and then for each daily suggestion of how to splurgeit, go to the Experience page.  Click on the day of Lent (starting on Ash Wednesday to find out what day we're on.  i.e. if you're reading this post the same day I post it (Feb 28), then you are on day 7)

Haven't started thinking about Lent?  It isn't too late - check out splurgeit.org, or start preparing your mind & your heart in another way.... Easter is coming soon - don't "miss" it. 

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