Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Holiday Market by Marion Open Air Market - Dec 1st & 8th

The Open Air Market group from Marion's downtown (which started up this past summer & went all summer & fall long on Saturday mornings)  is putting on a Holiday Market on Dec 1st & 8th from 9am - 4pm at THE FOUNDRY, which is a building across the street from the First United Methodist Church in downtown Marion (on the corner of Adams & 7th).

The Open Air Market is one of my new favorite things in Marion - a group of vendors who are all local & who make homemade & natural goods.  These are a create bunch who are very talented, and it is a lot of fun to see the creative, wonderful, and delicious things they make.  Don't miss it! 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Health Care Reform Law - Helpful Video Summary

Confused about the new health care reform law?  Take a few minutes to watch this helpful summary.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

ING Direct - Earn $125 for Opening a Checking Account or $10 for Opening a Kid's Savings Account! NO FEES! Direct is having a GREAT promo over this weekend that ends tonight (Sun night 11/25).  If you open an Orange Checking account with them & make 10 purchases over the next 45 days, you get $125 deposited into your account.  


I have an ING account (both savings & checking), and highly recommend them.  I use these as my savings account, and also my back-up checking, where I try to stash money away that isn't in my regular monthly "pay bills" checking account (for items I don't pay monthly, but need to stash money away so I have the money for them when I pay an annual or semi-annual premium).  I opened the Orange Checking when one of these promos was running, and I encourage you to do the same!  It really is as easy/straight forward as advertised! also have a promo $10 for opening a kids account!  No fees for opening!  Do it today!  I just sent up an account for each of my kids - you can open with a minimum of $1, and they will add the $10 into your kiddos account.  Interest rate on the account is %.75.  I figure this will be a good way to start talking to my kids about saving money, and as we check on our account we can watch their accounts GROW with interest. There is no "catch" to this, so set up an account for your kiddos today! 


Electric Orange Checking - Free yourself from checking fees and earn $125.

How it works

  • Open Electric Orange November 23rd - 25th and make a total of 10 purchases (either signature or PIN-based) using your Electric Orange Card or CheckMateSM deposits (or any combination of the two) within 45 days.
  • Your $125 bonus will be automatically deposited into your account on day 50.
  • Bonus only available for new Electric Orange checking.
  • Keep in mind, your bonus may be reported to the IRS and your state.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Kiddo Tags - 1/2 off thru Plum District Sale

Have you heard of Kiddo Tags?  I ordered my first batch about a year ago for my boys, and am just about out, so I was excited to see this deal from Plum District.  Right now, you get $40 of credit toward Kiddo Tags for only $20, and when you use your $40 toward purchasing your Kiddo Tags, shipping is only $.99/order.  I've done a set of tags for each of my kids in the past, putting a soccer ball, my kid's name, and my phone number on one tag and a baseball, my other kid's name, and my phone number on the other.  I label everything with these - their coats, backpacks, sippy cups, water bottles, lunch boxes, etc.  you name it, and I've labeled it.  It is great for things that leave out house, and also for things I want to keep separate so my kids know whose is whose (they love that!).  These go through the dishwasher no problem - they are amazing.  They also have iron on labels for inside of clothes. 

To get this deal, sign up for a new Plum District (daily deals for moms/families)account by CLICKING HERE.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Locally Made Teas - Tasting Event Nov 10th

There is a tea-tasting event this weekend by a local tea maker who uses local organic ingredients.  If you haven't tried these teas, you are missing out.  I've become slightly addicted to them over the summer & fall.  Locally made loose-leaf teas - I've liked all the ones I've tried, but the Apple-Pie Spice is my favorite! 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

BRAVE - Nov 9th & 10th at the Globe Theatre

BraveThis weekend at on Indiana Wesleyan's campus in the Student Center at the Globe Theatre, BRAVE is playing.  Movie is $2/person, popcorn is $1/each, making this an affordable date for my 5 year old & me! We haven't seen this one yet, so might have to check it out. 

Friday - 7pm, 9pm
Sat - 2pm, 7pm, 9pm
Rated PG

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dine for a good cause - Nov 7th at Applebee's in Marion

Wednesday, November 7th if you eat at Applebee's in Marion (11am - midnight) and present the Dine to Donate flyer (below) when you pay your server, Bridges to Health will get 15% of your bill as a donation to the clinic. 

Bridges to Health is Grant County's only free health and dental clinic, providing primary care, dental care, health education and medications for uninsured Grant County residents who make 200% or less than the poverty income guidelines.  A 501c3 non-profit, the clinic relies on donations and grants to keep it's doors open and to keep Grant County residents healthy. For more info, visit

Need a flyer for Applebee's?  You can print one at, email, or stop by on your way to Applebee's and pick one up at the clinic (1251 W. Kem Road).

Thank you for helping keep uninsured Grant County residents healthy!  

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Daylight Savings Time Ends on Nov 4th, 2012 at 2am

Daylight Savings Time Ends in US/Canada on November 4, 2012

If you live in the USA or Canada, Daylight Savings Time 2012 ends on November 4, 2012. At 2 am, we "fall back" and gain an extra hour of sleep.


Fact or Fable? Daylight Saving Time Saves Energy

This could be a fact or a fable; depending on which study you read. One of the original goals of Daylight Saving Time (DST) was to save energy by reducing the need for lighting in the evening. Early research indicated that DST provided energy savings, but the results of more recent studies have been mixed; some even concluding that DST increases overall energy use.

A Brief History

The concept of DST was adopted by the railroad industry during the 19th century as a means for standardizing their schedules. During World War I, it was introduced nationwide as an energy-saving measure. It did not become a standardized practice until the Uniform Time Act of 1966.

Energy Use and Daylight Saving Time

How does changing the clock conserve energy? The theory is that moving the clock forward to extend daylight hours enables people to spend more time outdoors during spring and summer. With fewer hours indoors, less energy is used for lighting, watching television, or operating appliances. In the fall and winter, DST adjusts the clock back one hour, reducing the time between sunset and bedtime.

Does It Save Energy?

Early research that focused primarily on lighting, found that DST did save energy. Recent studies, which incorporate more comprehensive energy-use patterns, however, have produced mixed results:
  • In 1975, a U.S. Department of Transportation report found that DST might reduce the country's energy consumption by 1% in the spring.
  • A 1983 study of European homes found that DST reduced lighting energy use by 4%, while increasing heating energy use 1.2%. Overall, the study concluded that DST reduced energy use by 1.8%. (Aries 2008)
  • In 1999, a study of 15 European countries indicated that DST decreased lighting energy use by 1%, but increased demand for heating by 9%. (Aries 2008)
  • A recent report by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that DST increases overall residential energy use by 1%. While DST reduced overall electrical consumption for lighting, these savings were offset by increases in heating and cooling demand. (Kotchen 2010)
Others believe that the energy savings depends on where you live. Those living in northern states may save slightly because there is less demand for air conditioning. However, those living in southern states may use more energy during DST because the demand for air conditioning is greater. Still, there may be other benefits to daylight saving: an increase in tourism since people tend to be more active outdoors; a reduction in crime rates because crime tends to happen in darkness; and a decrease in traffic accidents because fewer people are driving home from work after dark.

Energy Policy Act of 2005

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 extended DST three weeks in the spring and one week in the fall, beginning in March of 2007. What effect has this had on energy use? Once again, the reports are mixed. A 2007 study by the California Energy Commission concluded that the extension of DST had "little or no effect on energy consumption." (CEC 2007) A U.S. Department of Energy report, however, concluded that total energy use decreased 0.5% per day of extended DST; roughly 0.03% of total annual energy use. Energy savings occurred in the evening, with a slight increase in energy use during morning hours. Energy savings were slightly greater during the spring than in the autumn. (DOE 2008)

The Future of Daylight Saving Time

Evidence that DST saves energy is mixed and contradictory. This may be due to inconsistencies in study methods, as well as technology and lifestyle changes since its inception. Lighting systems are much more efficient, and energy-use patterns for heating and cooling systems have changed significantly. It is likely the increased use of computers and electronics have reduced the impact of DST on overall energy use as well.
In recent years, there has been debate over whether to end DST or even extend it year-round. Future research will be helpful in weighing the cost and benefits of DST and comparing it with other energy conservation methods. When it comes to public opinion, a 2010 national telephone survey by Rasmussen Reports found that many people "don't think the time change is worth the hassle."


Aries, M.B.C.; Newsham, G.R. "The Affect of Daylight Saving Time on Lighting Energy Use: A Literature Review." Energy Policy, v. 36, no. 6, June 2008, pp. 1858-1866.
California Energy Commission (CEC). The Effect of Early Daylight Savings on California Electricity Consumption: A Statistical Analysis. May 2007.
Gurevitz, Mark. Daylight Saving Time. Congressional Research Service Report RS22284. March 7, 2007.
Handwerk, Brian. "Daylight Saving Time 2012: Why and When Does It Begin?" National Geographic Daily News, March 9, 2012. (Last accessed October 11, 2012).
Kotchen, Matthew and Grant, Laura. "Does Daylight Saving Time Save Energy? Evidence From a Natural Experiment in Indiana." To be published in The Review of Economics and Statistics. February 10, 2010. (Last accessed October 11, 2012).
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Impact of Extended Daylight Saving Time on National Energy Consumption. Report to Congress. October 2008. (Last accessed October 11, 2012)