As life keeps me busy, there seems to be less and less time to post things on this blog! I'm feeling like I'm a bit of a blogger-failure these days. :( That said, I'd rather be with my kiddos outside in the summer than inside on the computer, so maybe that's not a bad thing! "Playing" with my kids doesn't come naturally for me, so I'm trying to be more purposeful about playing/interacting with them instead of busying myself with other things. I'm getting a little better, but I have a long way to go!
My boys and I have had a great summer, full of fun, but relaxing activities. I've tried to plan at least one thing a day, and my boys have apparently learned this, as Caleb asked me yesterday, "So what's the plan for the day?" I guess he is my son. :)

This summer I bought a bike for the first time in over a decade, and as I promised my husband (to justify the purchase), I really have been riding it! My oldest is 7, and can ride on his own, but my 5 year old isn't quite on his own yet so we purchased a "tag along" for behind my bike. I'd looked at this attachment last summer, but decided against it. This summer I bit the bullet, and I can't recommend it enough! I wish I'd done it sooner! Micah, my 5 year old, LOVES it, and it isn't difficult for me to maneuver. In case you're interested, I got it at Dunham's, but it's also available online. See
Amazon link to the one I got (but check Dunham's first b/c I got mine on clearance!) My husband put it together, and said it wasn't difficult to do. It's also easy to remove. People see us on the street and everyone comments on it and asks me where I got it, so I don't think resale will be difficult.
I also purchased a helmet this summer - my boys have been on me the past couple of summers to get one, and I kept making excuses, but my ridiculous vanity isn't worth the example I'm setting for my kids. I read a few weeks ago on a GREEN LIVING website that if we all went one day a week without driving we would make a significant impact on the environment. I'm always looking for ways to make changes that can affect our environment and our health in a positive way, so I figure I should try it. My boys and I rode to the Farmer's Market yesterday, and the grocery store the day before. It gives us exercise, saves gas & pollution to the air, passes some of the time on some long summer days, and creates an experience I'm hoping they remember with me.
See us below rocking our helmets. :)